
The City of Low Moor  uses a Mayor-Council governing system. The council meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Low Moor Community Center. Council and Mayor are elected by nomination and general election held every two years. The DeWitt Observer is the town’s official source publication. Meeting minutes, agendas, and notices are posted in the bulletin board at City Hall and are available for viewing 7:00am to 9:00pm each day.

Postal Service

A post office is located on the northeast corner of 3rd Ave and 3rd Street. Mail delivery through the United States Postal Service is available via a post office box that is accessible seven days a week. Window or counter hours are available to purchase stamps or mail and receive packages Monday through Saturday. For hours of operation, please check the post office hours on the door.


All emergency services are accessed by dialing 9-1-1. Ambulance services are from nearby DeWitt Genesis Medical Center. Fire protection services are provided from the Low Moor Volunteer Fire Department. Police protection is contracted through the Clinton County Sheriff’s Department.

Low Moor also has its own water supply which is currently billed based on usage on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, and October). Sewer is pumped to the new reclamation center and is billed based on a percentage of water usage plus repayment for the sewer project.

Electrical and natural services are provided by Alliant Energy. Telephone services are provided by Windstream. Television is provided by fiber optic cable by franchise through Mediacom or via several dish companies. Internet services and provided by a variety of providers including Mediacom and Windstream.

Garbage and recycling are contracted services. Household garbage and recyclables (plastic, glass, newspaper, cardboard, etc.) are collected each Monday morning. Fees for services are billed each quarter by the city.

Library Services

All residents enjoy the full access to each library in Clinton County through a county wide consortium.  Residents need to go to the library and present a valid identification card such as a driver's license to obtain a free library card.  The nearest libraries are in the cities of Clinton (Clinton Public Library), Camanche (Camanche Public Library) and DeWitt (Frances Banta Waggoner Community Library).   


Look for information and specific details about community activities in announcements.

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